Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Easter...late

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Thanks to everyone for the e-mails, snail mails, packages, and comments on the blog. They definitely make my day. That said, I can’t believe how fast the time is flying here. I know I’ve been in country for only a few weeks, but it seems like I just got here. There are a few monotonous duties, but more often then not we have something happen that makes things pretty interesting. Time may slow down a bit when the temperature hits 130 degrees this summer, but so far I feel like we’re doing great things to bring this mess to a speedy end.

I’ve discovered that my compound is located adjacent to the largest prison in the world…population wise anyway. 14,000 people being held for various reasons. The worst I’ve heard is a guy who is being held for his part in over 100 beheadings. Last week one of the detention areas decided to protest. They burned all of their tents, and used improvised sling shots to shot rocks at the lights and guard towers. The guards were forced to launch percussion grenades and shoot non-lethal rounds at them to stem the chaos. A bunch of my guys and I got on the roof of our command center connex box to get a better view. Quite a scene to say the least.

Another interesting night. I was leaving our compound at 9:30 last Saturday night when a Hummer pulled up and blocked me in. A Sergeant got out and told me my presence was requested at the Tactical Operations Center (TOC). I cruised to the other side of the camp trying to figure out which one of my guys was in trouble…or had gotten me in trouble

As it turns out, they had immediate tasking they needed our help with. This was probably the coolest mission I’m likely to do here, and I can’t tell you about it. Wish I could. It was one of those rare instances when CNN and FOX missed the story. I will say, however, we stayed up through the night and my guys did an incredible job. We acted as the eyes in the sky to help the good guys do there thing. We all slept through a good portion of Easter day…but for good reason.

I don’t know whether it is the fact that I’m doing satisfying work or being in the desert air, but something out here has helped to put me at ease. I guess it’s strange that I had to come to a war zone in order to put things into perspective, but in a way it makes sense. I’m surrounded by honorable people working to ensure the safety of the things the care most about back home. We don’t sit around CNN watching news of some company bilking their employees out of their pensions, or get caught up in the drama of which person at the office is playing grab ass with the other. It’s like a group of people that trust each other implicitly and go out of their way to ensure each others safely and mission success.

Well, I’m off to Kuwait tomorrow to meet up with some of our cohorts and take care of a few things. I’m looking forward to the convoy down, and a big evening tomorrow night. I hope you are all doing well. Keep the updates coming and take care of yourselves and each other. Oh, and congrats to Sammy and Corey on the news of the inbound kid!

Best, Tom.

PS – Send more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom. It's me, Trish Bonnes. I've been checking in on you daily. I ran into Chris a couple weeks ago and he told me about your blog site. First of all I want to thank you for doing what your doing out there. You are an amazing guy! I pray for your saftey along with all the other brave men and women.
Be safe.
Thinking and praying of you often.

911DOC said...

i look forward to reading more tom. my next door neighbor is coming over to play for his 8th or 9th time next week. i think he will be near you and will let him know you are there. i'm sure you will have all kinds of time to see the sights and knock back a cold one or two! t and i have you in our prayers. looking forward to a face to face upon your return.